Gheorghina Gligor

Thoughts on Coding, Software Architecture, Solving Business Problems, Growing as an Engineer and more importantly, growing as a Leader.

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Python References to speed up the beginners learning process

02 Jul 2022 » python references

In the wish that someone will prepare a similar list for other tech stacks I may want to learn, I will leave here references which helped me speed up the process of learning python.

The amount of good resources are overwhelming for a new joiner, therefore I always find it useful to at least have a few starting points.

This list is still in progress and will be updated with all the good resources I can find. Please feel free to share

Getting started

Python docs

Getting started

Beginners guide wiki





It comes a bit pricy, but both Pluralsight and Udemy have a good amount of resources for all levels.


Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming, Luciano Ramalho

Mastering Python High Performance, Fernando Doglio

Introductory Books

Awesome Python Books

Python Crash Course 2nd ed.

Other References

Practice for free


Best Practices and Standardization

Clean Code

Elements of python style

PEP 8 — the Style Guide for Python Code

PEP 20 – The Zen of Python

PEP 257 – Docstring Conventions


Awesome Python

Python Libraries for Beginners

Python Software Foundation


Python Software Foundation Wiki

Reference Blogs



Weekly Dose Of‍‍‍ Python

Real Python Tutorials


Talk Python To Me

Test & Code in Python

Python Bytes

Other references

interview questions